Admirers! |
My Family |
Lou Lou - Me!:::::::
Hubby - Long suffering husband :::::::
Princess - My almost 11 year old daughter :::::::
Beast Dog - My collie cross (who is anything but a beast! :::::::
Arum and Scarum - My folks::::::: Sis- My little sister who is taller than me!::::::: Scarlet - My bestest friend |
Medically Me! |
The two biggest medical events were in 1998 when I fractured my spine and in 2003 when I had a golf ball sized benign tumour removed from my breast.
Odd Me! |
I broke my wrist trying to recreate Balero on roller skates, on my own... (twat):::::::
I'm very scared of mice, but cockroaches don't really bother me!(as much):::::::
I am a bit compulsive about washing my hands :::::::
I have Singstar rating singing "Heaven is a Place on Earth!"
Random |
Under Construction! - More to come here!
..::i can feel it, i can feel it i can feel it::.. |
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 |
I'm on a get fit kick.....anyone notice?
I'm well proud of myself actually, i did a whopping 32.5kms today and I moved myself up a couple of levels too!
I can feel it, although it's not looking any different, my bum, that is.
I made a mistake.
I stripped naked in front of a full length mirror * oh god*
I used my dressing table mirror to get the rear reflection * oh god help me*
How long will i have to punish myself before i get results? I've worked out i've done over 130 kms in the last few days not including the day i worked out for 2 hours and forgot to make a note of my distances! I'm going 5 days a week to the gym, excluding the weekends of course, a girl has to recuperate.
I will get back to me again, preferably before my mother in law comes out to visit in May, so she can't snipe to another family member how fat i am again. *Ummmm pot, kettle, black dear* Actually i'm not that fat.
I'm 5ft4, i measured myself the other day, for years i thought i was 5ft 3 but no, i've growed an inch! And currently i weigh in at Umm i'd rather not say, but i'll be honest I'm currently 71kg. I've put on more weight than i care to imagine, i've gone from a uk size 8 to a uk size 14 in 2 years for no reason that the docs can find, and i'm eating less than ever. The only part of this gain i'm chuffed with is the old babaloolas, i've gone up 2 cup sizes, not to be sniffed at for a free boob job, but it's the ass and hips that came with it as part of the grow one get 2 free deal.
Don't get me wrong i've no desire to become a stick again, i like having some shape, a small 12 mid to big 10 will do me fine, and if i can keep the boobs, well i'll be even happier.
So be prepared for the forseeable weeks to join me on my quest to find myself again. I know i look good still, but i don't feel like me anymore, and i know i'm not massive, it's just mentally i'm finding it hard to cope with how my body has changed, maybe because i'm not in control i don't know i'm a bit of a control freek on the quiet.
I'd be thin still you know ....... if was a few inches taller!
posted by Lou Lou @ 2:57:00 pm |