Lou Lou's World!

A 30 something girl in an ordinary world

My Family
Lou Lou - Me!::::::: Hubby - Long suffering husband ::::::: Princess - My almost 11 year old daughter ::::::: Beast Dog - My collie cross (who is anything but a beast! ::::::: Arum and Scarum - My folks::::::: Sis- My little sister who is taller than me!::::::: Scarlet - My bestest friend
Medically Me!
The two biggest medical events were in 1998 when I fractured my spine and in 2003 when I had a golf ball sized benign tumour removed from my breast.
Odd Me!
I broke my wrist trying to recreate Balero on roller skates, on my own... (twat)::::::: I'm very scared of mice, but cockroaches don't really bother me!(as much)::::::: I am a bit compulsive about washing my hands ::::::: I have Singstar rating singing "Heaven is a Place on Earth!"
Under Construction! - More to come here!
..::Lou Lou the Interview ::..
Sunday, August 01, 2004
This may well be it from me for a little while. I'm leaving on a jetplane! (Don't know when i'll be back again!) The move is in full swing now and alas my loveys i do not know when I will be back.......*shhhhhhhh don't cry* I'll be back as soon as I have bribed a telecomms engineer to put my broadband request as a priority!

So this is it, for now, unless by some fluke I manage to get in and see you all, Internet cafe's looking good right now, it's been really hard being away from you all and missing out on all the fun.

Milky my love, keep up the good work.......I know you will and if Jelly should rear his head Gawd help us hehehehehe

Scarlet, my very best darling friend. I will miss you like there is no tomorrow, I'll ring you asap. Hope you enjoy being back in blogland after your pc enforced exhile!

Evie. No more bondage piccie huh? Our site meter says we are attracting the wrong sort of traffic hehehehe But seriously, have fun, talk soon.

SO on with the show...........

Jonsey Babe has sent me some Q's and i'm gonna try and answer them just for you guys! If any of you want to participate stick your requests in the comments and one of us will get back to you! (more than likely not me, so be grateful cos my q's would be interesting to say the least!)

1) Have you ever had a recurring dream/nightmare in your life? Explain.

Nightmare. Since I was a very small child I have had a dream that i was stuck either in a spaghetti making machine or some sort of a mincer, usually involving me getting closed in and squashed!

2)If there was one characteristic/aspect about humanity you could change in an instant, what would it be?

mmmmm me thinks hard about this one, lets face it guys these days just so much needs changing. BUT apart from the usual world peace, no hunger etc I think i'd op for people to become aware of others. To know when someone needs someone, to share your life and make a difference instead of standing back and watching.

3) A few close friends or a large circle of friends? Explain.

A few close friends. I guess cos i've been shit on so many times in my life I like to have a small circle of very close friends who know me well and i know i could trust with my life. Of course one has many aquaintances but i am well aware i'm about to find out how many of these actually are friends. ( which of the bastards is gonna keep in touch and not blag a free holiday!

4)In the last few years what cd have you listened to the most? You know one that seems never to get lost in the stacks......

There are so many. Lately Keane, my babies are my constant companion. However through the years, my Billy Joel Innocent Man,(bought as a christmas pressie by my beloved Grannie who passed away some years ago. Richard Marx, Paid Vacation, Simply Red Stars, and two songs on it still make me cry!(for your babies and stars) And i think maybe there's one more Roxette seams to pop in and out of the rack a lot, oh and Madness! I have quite an ecclectic taste when it comes to tunes!

5)If you were stuck on the proverbial desert island name:
a)one meal you would bring. You have to eat it every day, you don't forage for food.
b)1 music/cd album
c)5 personal belongings

a) Cereal! I love cereal! I can eat it all day and it has so many vitamins in it too, can i have the milk to go with it to? Please?

b) Now this one is tough I have so very many I love, but today i guess it would be Keane, Hopes and Fears. Right now it gives me sanity within the chaos, especially tracks 4, 7 and 9 well all of them but those are my faves

c)Now this one is a toughy! Can i count my husband and child as a personal belonging? Well assuming I can't cos they would be top of my list along with Crackers my darling dog.

I think it would be a large box of matches, cos i'm way to lazy to start a fire any other way!

A thick sleeping bag. (cos i get really cold)

My teddy bear (cos i take it with me always, not to the shops you understnd but on my travels!),

Sun cream ( cos i dont want to get skin cancer!)

A bivvy tin so's i can cook what i catch and lets see, ummmm no i'm don thats it!

So there's you have it people. Cracking questions i think! I really enjoyed it!
Thanks huni. x.

SO this is it, again, looks like it might be a while, i'm told the locals take their time with it all, so more than likely i'll be spending muchos dollars in internet cafes!
It's gonna be a hard day today. Today I say goodbye to my family. Today I say goodbye to my dog, for a bit. I can't say anymore. I'll break down. It's harder than i thought it would be.

Take care, all of you, i'll pop in if i can, i'll miss you

Lou Lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:07:00 am  
About Me

Name: Lou Lou
Home: Europe
About Me: I'm 5ft 3 1/2 and i have green eyes and long brunette hair that tends to have a mind of its own
See my complete profile
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