Lou Lou's World!

A 30 something girl in an ordinary world

My Family
Lou Lou - Me!::::::: Hubby - Long suffering husband ::::::: Princess - My almost 11 year old daughter ::::::: Beast Dog - My collie cross (who is anything but a beast! ::::::: Arum and Scarum - My folks::::::: Sis- My little sister who is taller than me!::::::: Scarlet - My bestest friend
Medically Me!
The two biggest medical events were in 1998 when I fractured my spine and in 2003 when I had a golf ball sized benign tumour removed from my breast.
Odd Me!
I broke my wrist trying to recreate Balero on roller skates, on my own... (twat)::::::: I'm very scared of mice, but cockroaches don't really bother me!(as much)::::::: I am a bit compulsive about washing my hands ::::::: I have Singstar rating singing "Heaven is a Place on Earth!"
Under Construction! - More to come here!
~~Evie?........Here Sir!~~
Monday, August 02, 2004
OMG....wot a weekend, although reading Milky's entry (no pun intended!) my life was positively dull compared to his raunch-fest....*sobs into a tissue 'cos she didn't get an invite, sniff sniff*

Well Saturday started off well, hubby had the day off so we could relax, have a lie-in, go into town, blah blah...............well this was the theory any how....reality was somewhat different........

1. As usual the kids forgot it was the weekend...d'oh when will they f*ckin get it?????? pmsl

2. Managed to get outta the house for midday.......f*ck don't even ask, God knows where the morning went, but it did.

3. Dropped kids off at Grandparents, went into town for a couple of hours, that turned into four.....but at least we came home with a boot full of shopping........... always a good thing especially when its not my money we're spending..lol

4. Had a quick cup of tea at Grandparents, went home, leaving one child there and takin one with us.......(don't ask, it's all very complicated and to do with babysitting!)

5. Got home just gone 6pm, step-daughter arrived just after to babysit the little 'un , sorted babe out with PJ's, milk and bedtime assorted necessities....blankie, dummie, bunnie..etc


God wot was I thinkin?.....You don't wanna know about that shite.....do you?????
Well, the first half of this post was written post bar-b-que and post too many beers...LOL
Now I am merry, not p*ssed, not by a long shot....but pleasantly smiley and in a good mood.
Have just watched "Starsky and Hutch"......................wooooooooooooooooot a cool movie, very cheesy, but such a good cheese.......more ya Camembert rather than ya standard English Cheddar.
And Owen Wilson is such good eye candy....jeeez can I say that now I'm over 30?....LOL B*llox who gives a f*ck!

Well had 3 hours sleep last night due to the fact that the little 'un developed a 24 hour stomach bug thingy!
Poor little mite was up chuckin til 330am, all over me, her bed, her PJ's(3 sets of them)....I had a shower 3 f*ckin times...now I like to be clean, but even for me that was obsessive, thankfully today...touch wood...she has been okay, still a bit quiet, not really eating but deffo a lot brighter than she was yesterday....bless her.
She slept in my "big" girl's arms this afternoon, while we had a girly day, we watched Bend it Like Beckham...great film, we went to the park, went shoppin, got some new clothes and she went to bed with a video and a smile....the little 'un on the other hand went to bed whinging and moaning and kickin her little legs about....LOL Nothing new there then!
Just like her Mother....pmsl

Today was supposed to be a trip to the Zoo, but had to postpone 'cos of baby not being too chipper, so we are off tomorrow instead....God help me!
Mind you with all those animals about I'm sure they'd never notice if I left an extra 3...LOL

For those of you who are interested............sssssh don't all shout at once!
My Mum and Dad got home okay............picked them up at Heathrow on Saturday night and yeah I blubbed like a "big girl"..........LOL God only knows wot I'll be like the day they leave......but I'm not thinkin about it.............I'm not, I'M NOT, I'M NOT!!!!!
Ok, Ok, am going now........................I'm bored......so God only knows wot your gettin out of this.....................
Love you, and you and you and you and you and you and you................errrrrrrrr but not you!

posted by Sugar @ 8:36:00 pm  
About Me

Name: Lou Lou
Home: Europe
About Me: I'm 5ft 3 1/2 and i have green eyes and long brunette hair that tends to have a mind of its own
See my complete profile
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