Lou Lou's World!

A 30 something girl in an ordinary world

My Family
Lou Lou - Me!::::::: Hubby - Long suffering husband ::::::: Princess - My almost 11 year old daughter ::::::: Beast Dog - My collie cross (who is anything but a beast! ::::::: Arum and Scarum - My folks::::::: Sis- My little sister who is taller than me!::::::: Scarlet - My bestest friend
Medically Me!
The two biggest medical events were in 1998 when I fractured my spine and in 2003 when I had a golf ball sized benign tumour removed from my breast.
Odd Me!
I broke my wrist trying to recreate Balero on roller skates, on my own... (twat)::::::: I'm very scared of mice, but cockroaches don't really bother me!(as much)::::::: I am a bit compulsive about washing my hands ::::::: I have Singstar rating singing "Heaven is a Place on Earth!"
Under Construction! - More to come here!
~~Major Blonde Moment~~
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
FFS..............I am such a bad Mother........

Yesterday I lost my toddler at the Zoo!!!!

Well I say "lost", she wandered off out of our sights for what seemed like an eternity which was in fact in reality all of 3mins and 25 secs!!!
Long enough for me to have thoughts of some perverted weirdo grabbing her hand and skulkin off with her, or worse still her climbing in a cage or enclosure or something..........
I know, I know...your all thinkin..what a f*ckin idiot, how the hell can you lose a toddler????
Believe me I feel the same way.......I work in a supermarket remember, and the amount of lost kids we get arriving at the Customer Service Desk parentless, is frankly way too many.
We were having lunch...one minute she was on her chair...the next she wasn't! As simple as that.
Lucky for me I had a friend with me who went one way and I went the other, leaving the other four kids we had with us in the restaurant(we were having dinner at the time)with instructions not to move an inch!
We were near the information desk too, so after checkin the cafe, that was my first port of call.......I flew in the door like some kind of deranged nut and kind of gabbled off at nine to the dozen................"I've just lost my daughter, she's two, wearing a pink t-shirt with cats on, navy shorts with a pink stripe down the side and pink shoes..............." I didn't even say wot colour hair she had or wot her name was or anything.
There was a woman in there waiting for something who looked at me with that look, you know the one.....that makes you feel about an inch high, I know 'cos I've used that look before and who could blame her????

I'd just "misplaced" my toddler for christsake in a packed Zoo!!!

Needless to say we found her, well my friend did....at the monkeys of all places, not more than a stone's throw from where we had been sitting, she was perfectly intact and smiling and non the wiser for her disappearing act.
I on the other hand I took one look at her sitting with my friend and promptly burst into tears..........my friend handed me my daughter and gave us both a big hug and said....."let's go get a drink......" Well I don't think the Zoo Cafe sold shots of Vodka, which is wot my brain was screaming out for, so we settled for a coffee instead!
Both of us pretty shaken, the kids pretty glad that it wasn't one of them who had wondered off and enormously relieved that the little 'un had been found again.
I can honestly say that was one of the scariest moments of my life, one which I never, ever wanna repeat.

Kids hey!!
Incidently, later on in the day i saw the woman from the information desk, you know the one who gave me "that look"........I said "I found her!"
D'ya know wot her first words were, after she smiled at me? with a look of sympathy?
"Are you okay?" ME?????? Am I okay????
Yep, me I'm fine, I'm good.......................JUST F*CKIN IRRESPONSIBLE AND A COMPLETE F*CKWIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But hey, that was yesterday.......today she is attached firmly to my hip, and no way is that little monster gettin out of my sight, at all, not for a second, not................f*ck...where has that little monkey gone too now???????????????

Love ya

posted by Sugar @ 10:34:00 am  
About Me

Name: Lou Lou
Home: Europe
About Me: I'm 5ft 3 1/2 and i have green eyes and long brunette hair that tends to have a mind of its own
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