Admirers! |
My Family |
Lou Lou - Me!:::::::
Hubby - Long suffering husband :::::::
Princess - My almost 11 year old daughter :::::::
Beast Dog - My collie cross (who is anything but a beast! :::::::
Arum and Scarum - My folks::::::: Sis- My little sister who is taller than me!::::::: Scarlet - My bestest friend |
Medically Me! |
The two biggest medical events were in 1998 when I fractured my spine and in 2003 when I had a golf ball sized benign tumour removed from my breast.
Odd Me! |
I broke my wrist trying to recreate Balero on roller skates, on my own... (twat):::::::
I'm very scared of mice, but cockroaches don't really bother me!(as much):::::::
I am a bit compulsive about washing my hands :::::::
I have Singstar rating singing "Heaven is a Place on Earth!"
Random |
Under Construction! - More to come here!
..::lou lou is a twat::.. |
Thursday, September 23, 2004 |
At bloody last, it's taken me 5 attempts to get into blogger today! ell the bit to write posts anyway!
Busy day 9.30am I had done all the housework, made bread, made cakes, and had a cuppa with M! By 11am I had ben to the doctors, been referrred to a specialist *yet another* and been shopping.
I spent the rest of the day alternating feeling run down and upbeat......a most odd way of feeling.
M popped round, we did tea, and chatted, Princess was at Karate, she gets graded in November.....she's getting good.
Afternoon we popped out to buy garden furniture......the shop we wanted was on half day closing. Bugger. We'll go at the weekend now, there's wind, so the surf will be up...............which means a beach afternoon for me and princess while hubby does his new kite sufing thing. *makes him feel young i think!*
A quiet evening with crap tv enabled me to spend some time painting my toenails, and then my finger nails a delicious shade of royal purple. Shortly after, at about 8.30pm i drifted off. I woke at 10pm with a stiff neck...and went to bed.
See i'm not myself at all, it's really not like me all this drifting off to sleep crap.
This morning again i've been busy..........
Princess to school, she has swimming today in the open air pool lucky cow.
Then straight to my pc course to do revision ready for tomorrow.......not too worried think i should do pretty well. Spent 10 minutes of it writing an email to scarlet....which i sent and then realised i had mispelt her addy ffs some other scarlet has my twaddle in her inbox now .....*oh err that sounds a bit painfull!*
8.30am and i arrive in another classroom and start my language course.
teacher " blaaa blaaaa blaaaa blaaaaa Lou Lou "
lou lou" Ummmmmmm errrrrrrrrr ummmmmmmm sorry"
* lou lou hears exactly that, lou lou was a lazy biatch and did not do homework or revise properly.* Lou Lou is a twat, and looks it for the 2nd time already today!
It was a pretty good couple of hours and i learnt quite a lot today......i'm still pretty confused though it's just like gobbeldy gook really. I gotta get to grips with it or i'll look like a twat again!!
So the rest of my i said the beach more than likely......housework all done, no washing to do, i've given up ironing its too bloody hot.....mmm eating cakes and drinking tea, good plan i think
oh and blogging and blog reading. might manage a liccle revision later for tomorrow....i'll be back later
love you all
lou lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:15:00 am |