Admirers! |
My Family |
Lou Lou - Me!:::::::
Hubby - Long suffering husband :::::::
Princess - My almost 11 year old daughter :::::::
Beast Dog - My collie cross (who is anything but a beast! :::::::
Arum and Scarum - My folks::::::: Sis- My little sister who is taller than me!::::::: Scarlet - My bestest friend |
Medically Me! |
The two biggest medical events were in 1998 when I fractured my spine and in 2003 when I had a golf ball sized benign tumour removed from my breast.
Odd Me! |
I broke my wrist trying to recreate Balero on roller skates, on my own... (twat):::::::
I'm very scared of mice, but cockroaches don't really bother me!(as much):::::::
I am a bit compulsive about washing my hands :::::::
I have Singstar rating singing "Heaven is a Place on Earth!"
Random |
Under Construction! - More to come here!
Oooops.....The weekend so far..... |
Sunday, May 30, 2004 |
FRIDAY..... wot did happen I've been so busy enjoying life and the weekend that I clean forgot to post and so did everyone else..well those of us ladies maybe I'm hopes so!
Friday morning had coffee with a dear friend who's fella was away, so she needed a listening ear and a few words of comfort. Friday afternoon hubby had half day so we decided to go shopping for a couple of hours always makes me feel good, mind you I didn't get much out of it, purchase wise anyhow...the Boy got new school shoes, he's been desperate as his are lace ups, which he can't do yet, and I think have been driving the teacher's nuts!!! He often comes out of school with them unlaced....with tales of Mrs So and So having done them up "FOUR TIMES ALREADY!!" He's scuffed the hell out of the toes anyhow so it was high time for a new pair. Little 'Un got some bubbles, video and books, elder daughter got some shoes, which sadly don't fit and she's gutted as they were "unreal!!!" her words not mine...LOL
Friday Night...........Hooray...the start of BB5-----------
Waited with eager anticipation with a glass of wine and chocolate at the ready......
Every year we say they are not the same and we're not gonna get into it...but every year we get sucked into it.....its just compulsive viewing...I guess I am a reality TV junkie...pmsl
Wot a bunch of weirdo's and characters and personalities from hell!!!!!
Marco....Wow wot can I say....loud, loud, loud, mad, gay and proud!!!
I love him, he's like Brain Dowling on speed.....if I was in the house I might wanna hit him hard with a very blunt, heavy object...but on the outside lookin in...he's fab....LOL
Nadia....Wahey...stop the bus, is it just me or is this Wo-man's sex change obvious to only me...I mean are the guys blind....she is just a weird shape. I look forward to her "secret revelations" with eager anticipation..Ha ha
Kitten...Grrrrrrrrrrrrr...can't write anything nice about her at all am gonna leave well alone.
Jay...Otherwise known as "Leopard skin thong man!"...lmfao wot a huge set of b*llox that guy must have to have walked into that house dressed practically naked..I take my hat off to him..and my skirt...and my top .....and my...oops better stop there...I'm getting all excited... he he
Emma.....F*ckin Hell...this woman is Jade Goody's sister seperated at birth I No Offence....but "HELLOOOOooooooooooooooo!" How the F*ck did these people get in????
Hmmmmmmm enough waffling on about "The House"...will have to write my little synopsis on the rest of the housemates another day....get kind of obsessed about gotta wind this one up.
La La La La......more of the same.....usual Saturday , not much happened really, except went to the tattooist and booked myself in for 2 weeks I'm kacking my pants thinkin...oh f*ck have I done the right I really wannna go, am I that brave...eeek, sometimes I am such a girl about these things....LOL
Which brings us nicely up to date with today.......
Worked this morning, was busy but not as busy as last week hormones are in overdrive at the moment so am the "Troll bitch from Hell!" sorry guys if your reading this...but its one of those things as women we have to bear...and being women we have to bitch and moan about you do!.....Well not like YOU do...WE do!!!
Spent the afternoon in the garden sunning ourselves and watching the kids get mucky and happier by the all is calm, they've been fed and watered and about to be scrubbed meticulously clean in a nice hot, not too bloody hot, steamy bath before being ceremoniously put to bed, whereupon I can relax with hubby with a nice glass of wine or two and watch wotever inane, Bank Holiday- shite- movie they have decided to "thrust"...*good word* upon us.......can bet there will be no "thrustin" in sight
Take Care my lovelies.....
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 6:17:00 pm |
..::Update::.. |
Friday was a very busy day at work, but i managed to actually finish on time which was a first for this week! Afternoon spent tidying in a busy fashion. Dinner was very thick steak with customary chips, grilled tomato and onion rings....very yummy!
Evening my eccentric parents arrived, rather later than expected right at the last 10 mins of Friends! They were advised that they were to shut up and sit down till it had finished!!!
Friends. I felt rather let down by it all. It ws possibly one of their dullest episodes ever. i liked that fact ross and rachael finally got it together. The arrival of the twins was good. Joey bless him the only one at the end not to have anyone, excpet duck and chick. It was a sad episode. Completely devoid of it's normal humour i felt. Still tears ran down my face. Yes I thought of *my friends* the saddness i felt inside was just as much for them as the ending of the era.
Well it was an interesting grooup of people i guess. Not what I had expected. First out....... Kitten. What a twat. What the hell is she doing there? I'm not one to say he or she is an ugly minger but *whispers* She is!!!! I 'm not a kat person but i accosiate kittens with sweet and fluffy and cutesy she is none of that...rough alley cat maybe.
Looking forward to developments. With such a diverse group of people there are sure to be ructions and we're counting on it!
Hans with the help of my recommendation was slightly sloshed as he watched! He's formed some pretty good impressions of the crowd already! I want to know now his predictions for the nominations and who he thinks will win!
Got up well early for a saturday so i'd be first in the bathroom for a luxorius soak in the bath. Had to call hubby to scrub my back. I'm peeling heavily after that roasting i got a couple of weeks ago leaving a trail of skin! He scrubbed well hard i think i'm pretty raw now lmao
At least i will no longer be leaving that trail of skin!
We all went out shopping. Great bargains for all! Dad was zooming around like *cough* schumacher on his motorised scooter! He's like fucking evil kenivil on that thing!!!! Dear Dad, (He has one leg amputated due to his Diabetes) so when on a big shopping trip it's much easier for him to ride his scooter thing and faster too! Plus it's well handy to load him up with the shopping!! Princess was in her element on there with him beeping the horn at everyone in their way!!!
Dad is now the proud owner of some Fat Bastard apparell. not to mention yet another England top. He's rather patriotic at the moment! from his t shirts to his double flagged car right down to england air fresheners bless him!
Hubby got some cracking stuff too. Princess got some lovely stuff from Next. We also paid another trip to my fave store Dunelm Mills. Mum went mad and decided to purchase a load of new bedding and curtains for her bedroom. Dad was given an option briefly lmao IT's very nice what she's chosen anyway! We got Princess some new bedding too, her choice it's very pink! It's pink Camoflague!!! She's well into it! Got a nice new dinner set too and some cool bags, ideal for lunches to go in.
There was a moment on Saturday afternoon that I ended up looking like a complete twat. Dad in his wheelchair wheeled off to go to the loo. 10 mins alter he hadn't returned. Getting worried i stood outside said isabled toilet and talked through the answer.....i knocked on the door and raised my voice " Dad are you in there? Are you OK?" My mum appeared worried that he had not come out. hubby said he hadn't seen him we all looked while i stood outsde the toilet talking to the door terriefied that something had happened! Hubby then opened the door and we all laughed when we realised it was empty and like a twat i had been talking to an empty toilet! Still the mystery unfolded... where the fuck was he? He had wheeled past none of us and noone had seen him. We start the search ad then we spy him.
Bugger. the bugger had been and gone. He was outside without the wheel chair stood by the car!!!! ( He can walk without it's just he's very slow and clumpy he needs a new leg, this one is getting big on his stump, with time the stump shrinks!)LEts just say when we found him i was not best impressed, and he was treated to a tirade from my mouth of language he wasn't too pleased to hear such was the worry he had caused me. Plus the embarressment that i had been talking to an empty fucking toilet for 10 minutes. on the verge of asking someone to call for an ambulance!
I can laugh now!!!! gggggggrrrrrr
Saturday night was spent stuffing our faces and waching Deep Impact. One of hubby's fave films he loves shitty disaster movies. (Armageddon is not in this category as bruce is in it and me loves him) Started falling asleep on the sofa so i went to bed!
Day today so far.
Mum an Dad went home. Laden down with their purchases. We've been well lazy since they left. After lunch hubby has been watching formula 1 but he is now asleep on the sofa (lazy git) Princess is watching Feather Boy she's been desparate to see it all day and i decided to try and catch up with everyones blogs and wrote a post myslef. Tomorrow i have no idea what we are doing yet! Maybe a picnic and a bike ride if the weather holds. I hope it does. Tv isn't looking too bad for a Bank Holiday weekend. Gonna have to go out and get some new brake pads for the clio anyway. Shit it's been an expensive week for that car, had to buy the roadtax on friday!!!!
I'll sit here a bit longer doing nothing, sipping my pepsi with a chunk of lemon in it! (left over from last nights whitebait starter hubby cut up rather too much lemon)
Looking forward to the ironing pile that's waiting for me to do this evening. NOT.
Right i'm off i'm boring myself now
Hope you all had a good weekend!
Lou Lou
xxxxxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 2:54:00 pm |
..:::END OF AN ERA:::.. |
Thursday, May 27, 2004 |
I'm sat here and i should be doing stuff...... I should be ironing at the very least i've cleaned the kitchen and given up i can't be arsed. So here I am!
A little happier today, still a stressful busy day at work though. Have had a good chat with Scarlet tonight and feel much better for it. Her pc is fucked again hence her absence again!
Tomorrow is the END OF AN ERA for me. Friends comes to an end. The very last episode. It's poigniant for me.
6 years ago in July, I fractured my T12 vertebra in a riding accident. I walked into the hosptial!! (amazing I know, since the severity and the agony was awful and i walked into Xray only at the first sets done did they panic and put me on a trolley that was the last time i would stand for a while) I was a very very very lucky girl and I am thankful.
I was stuck in hospital, flat on my back for 3 weeks and on my actual release i ended up having a panic attack. It was very scarey going out into the world again. I went home wrapped in metal, to the care of my wonderful hubby and our then very small daughter, she was 17 months old.
I was unable to care for myself, let alone anyone else. (Luckily Hubby's employers were very understanding and he looked after the two of us for 3 months until i was fixed!) Anyway, hubby proved his love for me in those long 3 months. He washed me, cooked for me and cared for me and our daughter. He made me smile,even though i was in considerable pain. He was completely selfless.
Friday night was Friends night. It was hubby's only night off, The night he was allowed to go out and and drink with his mates. As i wasn't allowed to be left alone. The girls, Scarlet, May, and Hoe would come over and babysit me and princess!!! They would get pissed whilst i lay flat on the sofa sipping soft drinks due to the amount of painkillers i was on. They were there for me. We talked shit for hours laughed at what you would probably call the silliest things,bitched and we would watch Friends. It was the highlight of my week.
After I recovered these nights continued.
Friday night was our night. Always at my house we gathered bitched, whinged and drank, (one night Jenny (another friend) was so pissed she fell asleep on the toilet lmao) (The nights came to an end eventually as the weather improved and we sat out and had barbeques and got pissed instead. In the height of summer it was a nightly event.)
Not an episode of Friends i see do i not think of them. Not an episode i don't think of those raucous nights, the nights of true friendship. The nights when yes, lets face it they could have done far more interesting things but they chose to share it with me. They chose to show support for me.
True friendship. It's a rare commodity these days. It chokes me now just thinking baout it. *eyes starting to glaze over* I miss those girls. Scarlets the only one left and she'll never be rid of me lmao or i of her!!!! I love her dearly ( in a non lesbian way of course) Hoe Emigrated to Canada, and as far as we know has now decided she's a lesbian! May moved away to Holland.
We were the 4 drunk muscateers.
Tomorrow night glass of shiraz in hand, bottle at my side I will watch the very last episode, i will remember and i will shed tears, and i will raise a glass and toast "to friendship, to the four drunken muscateers who were my very best friends"
Bless you my loves, wherever you are. How I miss you.
Lou Lou
xxxxxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:47:00 pm |
Enjoy! |
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 |
In the light of the fact i have had a fucking shit day, a day that started with a cock up, i have had a family bereavment and i was snowed under at work....and still there are 5 hours left in the day.
Anyway i can't be arsed to do a proper post so i thought i would post this....... it's so fucking ME! Enjoy
Lou Lou
1. "Okay, okay! I take it back. Unfuck you".
2. "You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing".
3. "Well this day was a total waste of make-up"
4. "Well aren't we a bloody ray of sunshine?"
5. "Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after."
6. "Do I look like a people person?"
7. "This isn't an office. It's hell with fluorescent lighting"
8. "I started out with nothing and still have most of it left"
9. "Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble wrap is cheap. You choose"
10. "I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years."
11. "Sarcasm is just one more service I offer."
12. "Do they ever shut up on your planet?"
13. "I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable"
14. "Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize that you haven't gone to sleep yet"
15. "Back off!! You're standing in my aura."
16. "Don't worry. I forgot your name too."
17. "I work 45 hours a week to be this poor."
18. "Not all men are annoying. Some are dead."
19. "Wait...I'm trying to imagine you with a personality"
20. "Chaos, panic and disorder ... my work here is done."
21. "Ambivalent? Well yes and no."
22. "You look like shit. Is that the style now?"
23. "Earth is full. Go home."
24. "Aw, did I step on your poor little bitty ego?"
25. "I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert."
26. "A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth."
27. "You are depriving some village of an idiot."
28. "If assholes could fly, this place would be a fucking airport"
posted by Lou Lou @ 7:14:00 pm |
Wednesday...ermmmmm!!! |
Sorry I couldn't think of an interesting or witty title...d' mind is blank this morning, well this afternoon now. Tried to post once already today but sadly nothing came to mind...LOL
Well last night went out for a drink with a good friend and her fella, very nice, went to a lovely little pub tucked away in the middle of nowhere by the water, very picturesque, very romantic...full of bikers and country folk..but romantic all the same!!!
Talked non-stop for 3 hours about nothing and everything, had a really good laugh, my brother bless him, offered his baby sitting services so took him up on it, well practically ripped his arm off really when he offered....we don't get out much ya see...I know...its okay don't feel sorry for us...most of the time we choose to stay in, would much prefer to watch a film in the comfort of me own home than in a crowded cinema when people do nothing but whisper...very f*ckin loudly...and munch and chat..forget to turn there phones off...the list is endless..oooh and I nearly forgot the resident know the one, the guy with tuberculosis by the sound of it!
Plus you pay a fortune to get in...I mean wot is it now...nearly 6 quid a go....and that's afore you've eaten a large bag of minstrels that costs you 3 quid and drank a large carton of coke..... then a drink (alcoholic this time) and a kebab on the way home......a small bloody fortune me thinx. Personally I'd rather spend the money on a nice meal out or maybe a good DvD and a takeaway and a couple of nice bottles of wine.....maybe I'm gettin old....eeek wot a thought..ouch!!
Infact its me birthday very soon, am gettin myself another tattoo, well I say I'm getting...hubby is paying and I am taking the
So have been trawling madly the internet for ideas and stuff....i know from previous experience that you have to be sure about these things and you gotta really love it...after all they put you through enough agony while your getting it done, I think my knuckles went white the first time...LOL
I know, I know I'm such a wuss...will let you know all about it and wot i've decided on...
Well enough ranting, almost time for the school run and I'm off to me Nana's after that for a cup of tea and maybe cake if I'm lucky...oooh don't ya just love Nana's..mwah xx
Take care
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 2:23:00 pm |
..:: KEANE ::.. |
..:: KEANE ::..
A modern Classic.
Divine lyrics, haunting melodies/upbeat anthems and just completely fucking brilliant. If you haven't got it yet go and get Hopes and Fears. You won't regret it.
Lou Lou
xxxxxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 12:24:00 am |
I've been indisposed |
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 |
I've been indisposed...............but i'm back now!!!!! Those closest to me will be aware of my reasons wink wink winkety wink. I've been..... lets say busy. Oh and i hurt my neck somehow while i was sleeping on Sunday which prevented me from doing pretty much anything. Much better now although my glands are all up which is making eating and swallowing difficult.
Been very busy, with a few things. Spent Friday night doing something i'm not discussing on here lol (most probably what you're thinking of you dirty buggers!) Saturday went shopping and was completely spoilt rotten. Twas a lovely lovely day for us all, got him a new wetsuit ( his ase looks lush in it) and a few other nice things. Princess got some lovely things too. Among the gifties i got were a lovely bottle of perfume, a very very short denim skirt (for when i'm browner) and a fab cd. *Me is very happy and can't stop listening to said band*.
The other thing i've been rather busy with is due to Scarlets prediction. I'm still not gonna blog about it i'm not ready to yet. I'm still a little overwhelmed about it all especially the fact that Scarlet predicted it. It wasn't completely unexpected i must admit but the fact she got the day i would find out was uncanny
I've stayed rather longer than i planned to so i'd better get off to bed nighty nights all
lou lou
xxxxxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 11:49:00 pm |
"Lobsters United!".................ha ha ha |
Monday, May 24, 2004 |
Oh my God Scarlet, your life sounds like something out of a spy thriller or worse still a soap opera........will be listening out for your screams with dread, you should wear big sticker or something...."PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE BURNT LADY......or you die!" Well maybe not that forward but kinda along those lines...LOL
Think we've all spent a bit too long in the sun this previous week by the sounds of it, maybe we should form the "Lobsters United Society!" All those with sunburn send ya names and addresses on a postcard to.............pmsl
Free sunblock, aftersun, bags of ice and someone to rub you down gently....tee hee.
Well weekend was good, weather was great...although no burning for me as I was at work Sunday morning..........Jeeeez what a nightmare that was, when the doors opened at 10 there was a stampede .......bloody mental if you ask me, I mean wot did people do before Sunday opening??????
It didn't help that the weather was glorious, so bar-b-ques were No.1 on most peoples lists of priorities, then the gardening stuff, plus it didn't help that our store also had a clothes sale...20% off everything for a week....people always go mad for a bargain, I know I do....well not go mad, am already there but....oh f*ck it you know wot I mean, don't ya????
Watched a couple of films this weekend....One Hour Photo...weird thriller, very intriguing watchin Robin Williams playing a pyschotic nut, rather than some manic, crazy, funny, weird but thoroughly likeable guy!
And Hope Springs....rather smultzy love story with the yummy Colin Firth (MMmmm there is a God!) and Heather Graham, good story, nice film..blah blah, nuthin special really, worth a look though for you hopeless romantics out there.
Well gotta sign off now, gotta go do some shopping...yuk the only shoppin i truly enjoy is food shopping, hate clothes shopping....but food shopping..MMmmmmmmmmmm could do that every day, am a real foody you see, should look like the side of a house really, but I don't, well not quite yet...pmsl
Seez ya later,
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:54:00 am |
Its good to be back |
Sunday, May 23, 2004 |
well,its good to be back folks.
I am now in the "glow in the dark sunburn club" yes, i have overdone it at the beach again, which is quite bad because the last time i did that, was when i went to glastonbury with no sunblock and just shorts and vest tops. The worse bit was when i ended up in the mosh pit, and i swear to god you could hear my screams over the 'fun lovin criminals'. you would have thought, ah she won't do that again.(twat)
I am also in trouble at work. I have hired an alcohlic,possibly crack addict with a violent tendencies. So all my staff are going crazy nuts, i am now to scared to sack her at present incase she slaps me on the sunburn. so i am saying to rest of the staff
"AAAaaah come on where's your spunk it will add abit of colour to the place, just think for the first time at work you will be living on your wits, and skills of survival,"
which has gone down well with the men working there they now think they can come into work in special forces outfit with various hidden weapons on their person.
Ofcourse seeing s.w.a.t at the weekend hasn't helped this one bit.
I'll keep you posted if i am alive, i give her a week because it could turn out to be great fun!!
living on the edge, thats me baby.
Scarlet |
posted by Lou Lou @ 3:16:00 pm |
Goooooooooooood Moaning! |
Saturday, May 22, 2004 |
Howdy Doodie Peeps!!!
Hmmmmmm sounds like you and Scarlet have a raging time when you girls get together, I don't blame you for shatting yaself either Lou Lou, I mean I've been touched before, and No I don't mean in the head!!! and it really freaked me out...for a long time.
If I have any kind of gift or intuition about that kind of thing.....I don't wanna know, don't wanna be open to it or anything, its a very scary thought.
So hats off to you Scarlet, think you've taken a very brave step into the unknown and I wish you lots of love and luck on your journey..mwah xx
Well work was non too interesting yesterday, as it happens I was late too, stuck in some massive hold up which turned out to be down to some youths in a stolen car f*ckin about on the dual carriage way in rush hour traffic....knobheads!!!!
Was busy though which made the evening go quick which was a blessing in itself as little 'un had decided to get me up at 0530 that morning...."little angel"...could've bloody throttled
This morning more of the same, as I work 'til midnight by the time I get in and unwind and get myself sorted, showered and have cup of char and chocolate or a late night snack (usually peanut butter on toast)'ve just gotta do it Its usually around 2am by the time the lights go out, so pretty am always after a lie-in Saturday mornings......but alas not to be....little 'un again had me up at 0645 with her very own rendition of the Barney song......"I love you, you love me, we're a happy family....." Getting the picture here?
Now I know she's only little, but her room is directly next to ours, and for a 2 year old she sure has an excellent set of lungs on her...little monkey!!!
So I think its an early night for me tonight, although I have one of my step-daughter's coming over to stay tonight, so will probably be another late one, late night DvD watching and a take-away, and maybe a glass of wine or two or three or four.....pmsl
So you all have an interesting weekend now,
And will be back with more news and gossip when my crazy hectic lifestyle allows...yeah right who am I kidding????
Loves ya,
posted by Lou Lou @ 10:17:00 am |
hey babe take a walk on the wild side do do do do do do do do do do |
Friday, May 21, 2004 |
Sorry i heard that quite a few times this am on my way to work on my cd.
Fantastico to have you back with us Scarlet my love, I could say i'd missed you but since i speak to you every day that's not really the case! You guys have missed out on some cracking anecdotes from Scarlet while she's been awol. Her pc is mental to say the least but as she said i think its the energy around her at present.
Yes there are lots of noises and happenings at her house, and yes there was one night in question i almost shat myself. It was at the time very late at night and we had gone to bed , yes in the same bed,(and both wearing pjs too), but you dirty perves we're not that was inclined even a little bit!
As we no longer live next door to each other our friendship is more long distance now and about to get even longer but i'm not gonna blog about that today! So every few months we get together for a week when the kids are on half term and get pissed stay up very late watch trashy made for tv films, dirty sanchez and jackass, most haunted and laugh like crazy women, usually a least one evening is spent singing along to kyle and the very sexy jack black (can't explain it i just want to huggle him and squeeze him and do otherstuff lol)of tenacious d.
Anyway this night we are both pissed as usual, and have finally given in to the matchsticks propping our eyes open. So we go to bed. We are nattering away still when there is an almighty fucking bang, a thumping sound like one of the kids had fallen ot of bed. Alarmed we both got up. The cherubs were fast asleep undisturbed and both in their beds. We couldn't explain the noise even after scouring the house.
You get used to it. Theres always been activity around her. Just lately as she became ready to accept her gift things have gotten a lot stronger and more and more is happening. Nothing sinister nothing nasty just spirits letting her know they are there. There has always been something as long as i have known her, we have both lived in houses with a lot of activity. My garden was subject one night to a visitation.
But given she has the gift and i don't i will always always encourage her to use it and develop it. It's part of her. I'm very proud she has taken steps to embrace who she is. And yes her prediction for me was spot on and i mean spot on.
On another note, it took me 1 1/2 hours to get to work this am a journey that usually take me 20 mins. The last 3 miles took me an hour!! Luckily my bosses were very understanding. Pretty busy at work today.
Got a lot to do now so better get going will try and blog over the weekend but i have an awful lot to do.
Have a lovely weekend all
Lou Lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 4:31:00 pm |
The bitch is back |
Thursday, May 20, 2004 |
I am back but dunno for how long.
lou reckons its all to do with my mediumship course, there being alot of energy around me at present, and i hate to admit it but i think she is right, i do have alot of activity around me at present.
As lou will tell you when she came to stay at my house and nearly shit herself and clung to me in bed for the rest of the night. but you get used to it after a while.
ohhhhhhhh i never discussed this before on our blogg and it feels a bit wierd.
i had my first contact with a spirit 2 days ago and i am still delighting about seeing my first spirit, it turned out to be the grandfather of a fellow course member, whish i cannot tell you how happy it made me.
most of friends think i am a freak, my best friend lou has encouraged me nad saw i had a gift before i went on the course, and has been my rock all the way through, my sister too has nearly pissed her pants about my ability's, my mum thinks i am a witch though, because i have always predicted major things in there lives and it freaks her out, and for the first time i did it for lou last night, which was great.
ohhhhhhhhh this is a wierd blogg but you can blame it on me for not posting for 3 weeks.
(and i bet nobody has missed me)
an un-loved scarlet |
posted by Lou Lou @ 10:46:00 pm |
feeling foxy |
First of all we weren't late for school today yay! i was awakened rather early by a friend who thought she would ring for a chat. Anyway after taking princess to school i went into town. Firstly taking 5 mins to park, i was in the peugeot today, it's like driving a tank compared to the clio!
A trip to dotty p's we actually have one in our very rural town! It's not very big but i managed to get myslef a white top for work and some new hoopy earings.
And then home to hang out the washing and watch trash tv, namely trisha.
I've cleaned and tidied, changed bedding and washed it all i've been very good today.
This afternoon T came round was not expecting her till the evening but that's fine, all the more time to have a good goss. Had a phonecall from next door neighbou inviting me for drinkies this evening, an offer i thanked them for yet declined i had other plans.
Was about to drop T and her girls home when the most almighty torential rain came down ( at least i didn't have to water the garden tonight!) and we stayed put. The girls Dad came and collected them and T stayed for dinner. She was most impressed with my kitchen savvy and the delicious meal i threw together ( dolmio stir in sauce pasta and chicken lmao)
Then we got down to business. The box i had bought it preparation earlier was opened and she set about me.
1 1/2 hours later, i'm looking fantastic. I'm rather blonder than i thought i would be, she put some fab streaks in and now i'm feeling foxy. I also hadn't realised quite how long my hair was till i looked at the back in the mirror i tend not to notice! It's quite a change from being pale brunette ( oh ok mousy with grey) So i'm feeling realy very cool pmsl
I bought myself 3 dvds today well one was for princess i got her lizzie maguire the movie she has watched it already tonight, and love actually and master and commander not seen them yet so i will let you know. no doubt you've all seen them already.
got work tomorrow although just til 12.30pm i expect they will more than likely ask me to stay later they usually do. I don't mind though.
Oh well i think scarlets actually got her pc running enough to post so i'll leave her to it
lou lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:54:00 pm |
Woe is me......nah not really! |
Surprise, got burnt..LOL
Was not intending to sit out in the sun for long, but little 'un was enjoying her log cabin so much that I thought I better keep her company....was browsing through my new French catalogue....(dead posh I know!)...and being offered the occasional "cup of tea" ..*cup of sand with water..Ugh!* by my little angel, when I thought...hmmmmmm feels a bit warm on me shoulders, which meant it was too late for the sunscreen..but hey I slapped some on anyway...I know nothing like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted..for you young-un's out there, that last statement probably meant...f*ck all!!!! last night was a bit sore, fiddling with me bra straps so as not to graze the already raw skin on my shoulders....:-(
Still had hubby, lovely man that he is, rub lots of lovely cream into them last night, so today am feelin' human at
Well, well, well...Dick-heads R Us came up trumps...bless Log Cabin arrived Weds morning ready to be delivered????? Me being the f*ck wit that I am said straight away ..."But we picked it up Monday!" D'oh, and double f*ckin d'oh, could of had two for the price of one there.....I was having a blonde moment, well several actually.....pmsl
Still my conscientious wouldn't of bore the brunt of such a devious endeavour, well it would of niggled me for the first half hour or so and then I would've phoned me friend and palmed it off at half the price....oops, did I say that out loud..ha ha ha
Well wot's happened to the sun?..Is that it, the heat wave is over, 2 whole days of glorious sunshine and its back to the good old British summer, oh well...such is life hey ladies.
Gotta sign off now, have a new printer and am dying to set it up (kids have been pestering me for ages) trouble is was worried I might f*ck up majorly so thought I better post first, just incase I disconnected anything that I shouldn't.....well I am a girl!!!! Pmsl
Loves ya
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 2:01:00 pm |
Just quickly before i go to bed...... |
Wednesday, May 19, 2004 |
Just quickly before i go to bed......
Feel shit, feel despondant, feel figety, yet feel agitated, yet feel bored, lethargic and crap oh and lets not forget distracted and bored and very down.
That just about sums me up.
I don't know why, i can't explain why I feel the way i do. Maybe the depression is starting again, i can't see why my life is pretty good right now, just for a change. I have a loving wonderful husband a fantastic daughter a loving family a great job and some of the best friends a girl could have. (you know who you are) So there is no reason for it.
I don't like this feeling. I feel inferior and worthless too. What the hell has happend to make me feel so bad? Nothing that i can recall at all. I just woke up the other morning and it was there, just there in a cloud enveloping me. I can't shift it.
lou lou
xxxxxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 11:10:00 pm |
| little lovelies..... |
Sorry am too busy enjoying the sunshine to post anything of great note....lmao
Will be back tomorrow peeps with hopefully some interestin gossip or some tale of woe having been burnt to a crisp in the garden....lets hope not!
Love you
xx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 1:57:00 pm |
a little one |
Tuesday, May 18, 2004 |
With thanks to Laura for recommending THIS. It's incredibly funny the woman is inspired, a comic genius.
Will post properly later i can't be arsed right now. I'm bored I need entertaining.
Lou Lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 4:34:00 pm |
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww |
And I was sooooooooooo lookin forward to takin the p*ss out of ya for days over that...lmao
Hmmmmmmmm will have to think of another way to wind you up mercilessly..LOL Just kiddin mwah.
Wot can I say Lou, your diet sounds rather erratic...LOL although not as bad as the moment I am eating chocolate for great Britain..if it was an Olympic sport I'd win Gold, hands down, everytime...tee hee.
But alas its not and the temptation of the cocoa solid is forever near, although I must admit however desperate I get for a choccie fix I never succumb to the kids stash, I mean that would just be down right mean.....LOL
Well another sunny day and all is right with the world.....we invested in one of those plastic outdoor houses yesterday, a large log cabin one...from Dick-heads-R-Us....I swear to God that store employs every dim wit and f*ck-head going, including management..and as for their Customer Service.....d'oh there isn't any!!!!!!!
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrghghghg I hate that kind of thing, is a real bug bear to me....had to have said house delivered after discovering that the box was way to big to fit into the car at that I may add, well the young lad (Frankenstein's better lookin brother!) who wheeled it onto the shop-floor from the warehouse made a phone call to his Manager askin if someone could come down and fill out a form (a delivery form) as he had other customers to deal with, he politely said that someone would be down in a minute....10 mins later a guy turns up, asks me if its a local delivery, answers the phone makes a phonecall while filling out said form, I fill in two lines...Name & Address and then that's it......all that messin around for two f*ckin lines....wot the f*ck is that all about??????? Customer Service my arse...b*llox!
Anyway as it happens....hubby brought home a van from work and picked it up on route so it was all irrelevant
Well I've had me rant gonna sign off now and go enjoy the sun....take care peeps and see you soon,
Lovin' it
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:47:00 am |
I'm not actually orange or even tangeriny |
Monday, May 17, 2004 |
Sorry Evie to dissapoint.
I'm not actually orange or even tangeriny the second coat hasn't taken. I think i used rather too much moisturiser in with it lmao Oh well I'm not going through it again not tonight anyhow!
Back and shoulders still sore met with much sympathy at work. (Ta girls) we were very busy this afternoon/evening didn't stop and the heat in there was stifling like a bloody sauna.
Today at home i did fuck all at work i worked my little ass off.
I was weighed at work. Not as bad actaully as I thought which was nice. I also began dieting today. Again! I want to lose 3/4 stone to a stone a stone will take me to 9st 3 which is a weight i am happy with. I just hope i don't lose my new found tits. Being and extra cup size does wonders for my confidence lmao I've decided to have a last ditch attemot at a normal diet to shift it raher than the atkins one i really feel i would miss bread and pasta far too much. This is the biggest i have ever been. Most people would say there nowt wrong with me, but having always been a very small thin person this extra weight to me is very demorilising and i feel huge (size 12 getting to be a 14 now where as i was a size 8 to 10)
Anway I started today and today I've done well, of course the heat helps not so hungry when it's hot. I'm a gal that likes my grub although until the last year eating whatever i want has never been a problem.
today I have eaten:
2 shredded wheat with sugar and semi skimmed milk
1 bag prawn cocktail crispies (ok that was naughty)
1 cheese and pickle sarnie (best of both bread)
2 cups tea semi skimmed milk
2 glasses water
few swigs pepsi (yes naughty i know but they were only small swigs!)
scrambled egg
me thinks thats pretty good
todays weight not fucking telling you
wish me luck
lou lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 10:55:00 pm |
Wot can I say Lou are a complete plonker!!! In all your orangeness..lmao
And you had the cheek to blame little old me (speakin on the mic) for your 2nd round of madness with the self-tan
Are you a nice shade of burnt orange??? Like our old TV antiques dealer..."cheap as chips love!" or are you more along the lines of v. famous topless model with bigger than average boobies and her rather over done in the oven look??? Bit like a crispy
Sorry will stop now.....I love you really..mwah
Well today has been a great day...following on from a great weekend.
Bodyshop party was good..lots of gossip and slaggin off the male sex, braggin about the male sex, laughin about the male sex, loved up about the male sex....oh yeah and we did talk about cosmetics and beauty products for awhile
Sunday was great..well didn't start out great was heading for Yarmouth, but ended up in Lowestoft...long story, queues of traffic and road works should be suffice an explanation, well that and the kids having had enough being cooped up in the car.
Had a whale (excuse the rather dismal pun :-() of a time on the beach..........had to drag little 'un off it in the end kickin and screamin..."Me want want beach!" Ahhhh bless her, she was screamin so loud you might of thought we was mudering her...that came
Please all you nosey f*ckin busy body's out there that last statement was in no referals to the NSPCC if you don't mind.
Plenty of ice cream, candyfloss...don't ya just love that stuff..still tastes the same as when you was a kid. Spent a fortune in the arcade eldest daughter dragged me on one of those dance machines...I was alright with the slow the beginners section (we have a dance mat at home, so have had a little practice *ssssh don't tell no-one*) so wasn't completely anal...although she might tell the story differently.....pmsl
So we all went home, happy and healthy and in my case burnt...well just a little..a rather raging, red you can't have a peep either...bloody pervs the lot of ya...well maybe not the lot of you...but
Well gotta sign off now, go have something to eat..its late I'm hungry, worn out, stressed and in need of chocolate...I have a nice glass of wine to be getting on with..something German and white.....oooh lovely
Enjoy the sun,
xx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:33:00 pm |
sat here in my keks |
Get up, get on up, get up, get on up, stay on the scene, i'm like a luvvin machine.
Go me, Go Me, go me.......sat here in me keks having a boogie to the mighty James Brown amongst others, now Scarlet will poke me with a shitty stick but there's shit loads of 80's on this too! So i my friends am in my element lol
Well you might well be questioning why i am sat her in my keks. The immpending disaster wasn't so bad, but didn't actually take so good. Now because I had a few hours spare this am before i go to work later today and having fuck all else to do i decided to reapply another layer......... yeah i know i'm mental but already as we speak orangeness is creeping upon me. My inner thigh is a bit dark, but no one but hubby goes there so thats not a problem lol
I know i shouldn't have done it. I was talking to Evie on the mic whilst applying much to her amusement, she was rather thankful i feel, that the cam wasn't on as well lmao Anyhow there i was chattering away and there was a knock on the bloody front door. I ask you don't they know? Don't they realise i was at a critical time of applying an orange glow?
I shouted down the stairs for them to wait and opened the door with a towel wrapped round my lower half with very very big streaks part of my legs she could see. Apolgising for the time it took the woman stood there looking at me i could tell by the look on her face she was pissing herself laughing at me inside. How embarressing.... should have known that would happen to me. 40 seconds later she was gone and i was back upstairs talking to Evie furiously rubbing at the streaks on my legs trying to even them out.
Not looking too bad now,but i suspect i will have to take a brillo pad to my knees and ankles...... I will do these stupid fucking things.
Looks like its trousers for work today!!!! And i so wanted to wear a short skirt. Well shorter than everyone elses lol(me being the youngster there)
oooohhhh house of pain Jump on now. Can't help myself when that come on!
Sad bitch i know *waiting for scarlet to extend shitty stick to poke me with*
jump up jump up jump up and get down
lou lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 12:16:00 pm |
A disaster in the making |
Sunday, May 16, 2004 |
I must be mad.....i must have really lost it, but this time i'm crossing everything.
Fake Tan.
I've decided since my legs are whiter than this background i simply had to do something. Plus since my back and shoulders are still smouldering i need to even up a bit. Armed with gloves, moisturiser and fake tan having already exfoliated i stepped once more bravely to the point of no return, splurged a large dollop onto my palm of moisturiser and added another large dollop of fake tan, mixed it up and attempted to evenly apply.
It all seems to be going well at the moment. 3 hours in and no obvious signs of being tangoed.....but i've been there before.
I've woken up in the morning countless times asking myself "why, why me? what the hell did i have to go and do it again for?" All fine when i've gone to bed yet a very tangeriney shade by 8am. Oh well if it fucks up i can always wear trousers tomorrow. I'm on lates so I can scrub away in the bath for an hour or so with a loofa with exfoliant added for extra grit. I can use whatever concoction i can make from the toiletries cupboard and failing all else i can always cover myself in talc paste, somthing i have had to do on more than one occaision.rofl
I didn't do my face this time I wasn't quite that brave, or stupid. Scarlet no doubt will piss herself if i have another disasterous outcome. Thats what friends are for afterall......kicking you when you are down, poking you with a shitty stick just to make you feel better.
Fingers crossed for me..................
Lou Lou
3 1/2 hrs update: not looking too bad slight colouration no obvious streaks or gravy tones, oh god what have i done. you'll hear me from wherever you are screaming in the morning! night all lol |
posted by Lou Lou @ 11:41:00 pm |
tis i again |
Been inundated with Spam the last few days, just when I thought i'd got it under control again. Bastards, maybe they don't like it that i send it back to them?
Feeling very sunny today although i've spent most of the day inside due to back pain (shit don't know what i've done) and the subtle burning sensation on my back.
Just been stuffing down a king size Fruit n nut bar scrummy.
Tv tonight not sure what's on but it's gotta be better than last nights alternitives to Eurovision!
Bugger princess just caught me with the fruit and nut shit!
Looks like i should have stuffed it down my throat in one go a la deep throat lol (i can do that lol) Oh well.
Gonna go been invited for a cuppa by a mate, good old goss coming up excellent. One of our mutual neighbours (not a very nice person who thinks she is way better than everyone else) has had a god awful hairbut she looks like rod stuart lmao on a bad day, oh and the dye job is well cheap. Oh i love to bitch, sorry i love to make observations lmfao
laters all
lou lou
xxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 3:48:00 pm |
"why did he do that mummy? he's not very sexy!" |
Saturday. Got up rather earlier than I had planned to! Spent the whole day in the garden. I've reseeded the areas our faithful hound has warn away by her patroling looking for evil cats, and taken down the cordening from the areas I had already reseeded where the grass now looks very green. The lawn has been mowed, my pots have been tidied and i have ppotted on those plants that needed it. I've had a good general tidy up out there. Spent an amoount of time gossiping with neighbours over the fence also (mine is of a managable height unlike the comedy fence at Ian's
Looking very good out there.
Got the big table out the garage, decobwebbed it and cleaned it up. We ate dinner in the garden last night which was lovely. not put the gazebo up yet though might do later today. I caught the sun rather more than i thought yesterday.
I was wearing a halterneck top so my back was rather exposed silly me didn't bother putting any suncream on. I'm not a lobster but i am a rather bright pink.
Eurovision had already started by the time I had finnaly got in the bath, not to worry princesses trusty showerfish radio was tuned in so i was able to wallow and listen to old Tel's quips about the contestants.
I was not vey impressed with most of them. The Croation song was lovely u til the guy started the chorus at which point i left the room to save myself lol
The little lass from Kent that sang for Cyprus was cracking think actually she should have won.
Our James Fox was very boring, althought at the end he did a wink type thing at which princess remarked "why did he do that mummy? he's not very sexy!" i just about pissed myself. She does come out with the funniest things sometimes, like the conversation we had earlier about the guy singing Disco she wanted to know if he was gay lol only because he was wearing pink. She then went on to tell me that Daddy wasn't gay because he loves mummy lol
oh well btter go gotta make lunch princess is apparently starving although she has just eaten a tub on penang bites lol
lou lou
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 11:58:00 am |
F* the doghouse.............again! |
Saturday, May 15, 2004 |
Shite..........soooooooooo sorry Lou Lou mate..........I did mean to post honest...and then life kind of took
Mind you may I say dahlin you are doing a grand job by your lonesome*grins sweetly* excellent one-girl show.
Its the weather you see, one intsy ray of sunshine and the kids are out and the hubby's doing manly things....not to me! To the lawn, which in a garden of over 100ft long can get rather scruffy in a v. short space of time!!
I was doing my usual surfing and chatting...found some fantastic 3D art pictures and was enthralled by them...well near on obsessing about them really. Had to keep callin hubby in from his "manly duties" to say.."jeeeez look at that isn't it f*ckin great!!!" After 3 or 4 times of displaying my rapturous awe, he thought bollox and became selectively deaf...LOL
Had a good night at work, was very busy....Football today and so people were gettin in early to avoid the Saturday traffic....early kick off too so town is bound to be full of dick-heads driving like arseholes this morning..*note to self "do not drive like a dick-head this morning!"*
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mr Flirty (for those of you not in the know......"Thoroughly irritating w*nker of a customer!) graced us with his presence today, although not at my till, surprise, surprise me thinx he may of got the message...finally Hoorah *big cheesy grin*
THE EUROVISION...............aaahhh *sighs a deep contented sigh of blissful happiness*
I too love all that is cheese about this now, horrendously long contest, have visions of being a small girl loving every minute of, although way back then *pulls out another stray grey hair* not many of the songs were sung in English but in the country of origins first made it quite difficult to a) get to grips with wot they were actually saying and b) whether the insane Cheshire cat-like grin was indeed necessary for the subject of the song or not or whether the short skirts or top with the tits hangin out would indeed sway the judges in anyway.....of course I'm talkin the girls only here...lmao Blokes with their tits out is not always a good thing..and short skirts deffo No, take it from me...I've been there.
Tip for the day....If you don't want any surprises in that finding an M & S dress in ya hubby's wardrobe...always go for guys with facial hair.....makes it damn difficult to get away with being a convincing woman with a beard!!!! Although I must admit some women get away with it admirably.....I just shave mine ....Pmsl
So onto the weekend then...........well have promised the kids a trip to the seaside, which lucky for us is not far away..promises of crazy golf, amusements, arcades, candy floss and of course ice-cream have had them chomping at the bit since yesterday, well they will have to wait 'til tomorrow..have things planned already for today.
Have a Bodyshop party tonight...ooh lovely a chance to spoil myself and be pampered, well hubby's spoiling me..with a blank cheque...bless him I wonder how many nights of sordid passion I will have to immerse my self in his pleasure to repay his generosity....LOL And you think I'm counting?????? Bring it on baby, bring it on...mwah xx
Well think that's quite enough, sit back and enjoy the ride people 'cos the clock is ticking ever faster............
Love you
xx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:09:00 am |
Countdown is progressing ........ |
Tonight's the night people what we've all been gagging for (or not) EUROVISION
Love it or Hate it it's gonna be on the cheesiest event of the year!
Personally i love Eurovision. It stems from being a small child and hearing Brotherhood of Man singing "Save all your kisses for me" I have to admit a very special song for me even now (ok I'm not proud but I'm purging here!) I just can't help myself when I hear it LOL. Of course we all went nuts whenBucks Fizz ripped off their skirts and I know as a teen in 1987 i melted listening to Johnny Logan and those immortal words
Don't, don't' close your heart to how you feel
Dream, and don't be afraid the dream's not real
Close your eyes, pretend it's just the two of us again
Make believe this moment's here to stay
Touch, touch me the way you used to do
I know, tonight could be all I'll have with you
From now on you'll be with someone else instead of me
So tonight let's build this memory
For the last time
Hold me now, don't cry
Don't say a word
Just hold me now and I
Will know though we're apart
We'll always be together
For ever in love
What do you say when words are not enough
Time, time will be kind once we're apart
And your tears, tears will have no place in your heart
I wish I, I could say how much I'll miss you when you're gone
How my love for you will go on and on
Hold me now, don't cry
Don't say a word
Just hold me now and try to understand that
I hope at last you've found what you've been searching for
And though I won't be there anymore
I will always love you
Hold me now, don't cry
Don't say a word
Just hold me now and I
Will know though we're apart
We'll always be together
For ever in love
What do you say when words are not enough
What can I say now my words are not enough
Even now it makes me tingle just to read it. (Ok so tears are in my eyes too music moves me ok?) Of course we have had some disastrous entries in Eurovision over the last few years also. Who could forget last years abysmal entry, i don't honestly think we'll win this year. Although
James Fox is counting perhaps heavily on his boyish looks not unlike a young Cliff Richard (arrrrggggghhhhh how could i even mention him) I don't think the song is the strongest, and also I think politically there has been far too much shit flying around this week re Iraq and i think it may well hurt any chance we had. Though we could hardly do worse than last year could we? LOL The voting system this year i feel is far better at least we all get a chance to decide rather than the usual "neighbouring countries" voting for each other which lets face it is so arse licky.
So it's upon us again. I for one am excited, I can't wait to laugh at some of the sad wankers awful entries and rip the piss out of them in the privacy of my own home. I shall of course be rooting for James......He is my countryman of course and we need to be patriotic whether he's got the best song or not. Actually although it's not to my taste i think a lot of people out there in Europe will love it it's such a chintzy cheesy song.
Next years Eurovision........ Yes I'm thinking about it already and who should represent us. I reckon the immortal 4 Poofs and a Piano should take their place (as seen on Jonathan Ross) they would do a fantastic job.
Well here we go may it be fantastic I'll say it loud, I'll say it proud
Who's with me?
Lou Lou
xxxxxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 12:14:00 am |
filling spaces |
Friday, May 14, 2004 |
Went and got Princess from school, saw friend C on the way had a lovely chat congrats in order cos she just landed the job she wanted. Then on collection of our kiddies we went to the park since the sun was shining. It was packed I think everyone had the same idea. Just as we were leaving a gaudily painted van playing something only to be descibed as the devils music pulled up.
The kids from the tots to the bigger ones errupted, and scarpered off in the direction the music came from. C and I made a hasty exit taking our kids felling pity for the parents about to get stung! Do they think we're stupid? like we want to stump up £1 for lolly in my day an orange sparkle was enough Mmmmmmmmmmmm orange sparkle! lol How tight is that? Its all very nice to have as a treat but we don't want the kids to think it's going to be a regular occurence. We often take the kids to the park together on a friday, it's lovely to stand/sit in the sun and gossip about crap while the kids get on with it whilst trashing their school uniform.
Took princess to good old supermarket to get provisions for us for the evening and for the weekend. She chose tonights dinner of chinese pork steaks yummy. Oh and she conned me into buying her a belgian bun lol I finaly had some lunch once we got home. I've gotta go cook in a mo or so, but she's not ready for tea yet.
This evening we shall be viewing TOTP and Friends of course not sure what else is on but i know she will want to watch beastly benders (well known soap on bbc1) she's got well into it lately but i do censure what she watches. Tonight she will be allowed to stay uplate and watch Friends and Will and Grace. A show i love, although i don't watch it for will or grace i watch it for karen and jack.
well thats it enough space filling, i wish evie had posted and that scarlet had got herself sorted and posted, fell like i'm the only one here right now so i have a compulsive need to post in their place lol
oh god i'm sad
laters good weekend all
lou lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 5:06:00 pm |
I be feeling much betterer today ta very much. |
I be feeling much betterer today ta very much.
Today was S last day at work. It was a sad morning, at 12.30am all staff gathered to give her a send off. Twas really quite emotional. We're gonna keep in touch though so it's not really goodbye. I really will miss working with her though she was a lot of fun.
This am my alarm worked yay! So it wasn't all a crazy rush to get out ready, well no crazier than normal that is!
This weekend I really don't have anything much planned. I have to mow the grass cos it's a bit long although not getting out of hand I like to keep it well trimmed (just like my bikini line lol) I have to get my Princess some new school dresses too, she's grown so much and she is getting rather to hot in her normal wanter stuff. She's quite particular too so it looks ike a trip into the city to the likes and m and s or brit home stores, they do the nicest ones, the ones that don't look like sacks of shit anyway lol
I think we may go to the cinema this weekend which willbe fun either that or I'll get her Freaky Friday on DVD which she really wants. She's been fantastically good this week and her bedroom (I can hardly believe it) is still completely tidy so praise where praise is due she's earnt a treat I think!
Might possibly attempt to have a barbeque at any rate we'll eat outside I just have to get the table from the gargage and put the gazebo up. I love my gazebo, it's getting a bit knackered now but i still love it. I might treat myself to a new one this year. I like to eat outside in the evenings when the weather is nice it feels so cosmapolitan lmao
I'd really love a chiminea too this year, and i think i might even trade in my pisspot barbeque for a gas one this year, wwe've been looking at them for 2 years hubby can't make up his mind which one to get so imight just go and bloody do it myself lol
Well my tummy is rumbling time to go get luncheon me thinks.... what shall i scoff?
Lou Lou
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 1:48:00 pm |
my day wasn't like i thought it would be |
Thursday, May 13, 2004 |
Today did not turn out like i planned.
This morning first thing my alarm didn't go off on snooze not sure why perhaps i pressed the wrong button either way at 8.15am i sprung out of bed in a panic thinking shit shit we're late ok so that's not so unusual just later than usual. Finally got sorted and got to Princess's school apologies to teacher, just made it to the register apparently she had a maths test for sats today. (which i didn't know about)
Then it was straight on to physio for 9.20am.
Well apparently i have made improvements which is fantastic although I'm not sure how cos i haven't been religious about doing my exercises. Today i got a couple of new ones to add to my repatoire. One of them involves my gymball (a fanastic physio device which is much fun princess tends to ricochet around the room on it lol) unfortunately the position i have to adopt and exercise i have to do makes it look rather like i am fucking it. Think that's one to do whilst hubby is at work or much piss will be extracted from the situation!
The rest of the day i have spent in a dreamlike fashion. I'm actually feeling rather down and out of sorts today. I read most of the morning and drank my decaff tea (is it to blame?) popped online for an hour and 10 mins and got bored with myself and just had a lack of interest in anything, went back to reading another cuppa and a nice cheese and tomato toastie and settled down to watching neighbours and doctors. 14.25pm neighbour knocked for us to go to school to get the kids. Decided to walk today to see if it made me feel better, anyway off we went. Collected princess popped to town on the way back and bough 3 king size bars of fruit n nut bars. Princess scoffed one on the way home. Once home yet more tea and read some more feeling shitty so scoffed entire bar of said choccie. No improvement. Rang D from work to tell her i wasn't going to S leaving do tonight cos i felt so crappy besides i know it sounds shitty but i couldn't be arsed to go. I'm just in one of those moods today, really out of sorts. Tonight i managed to fall asleep on the sofa bollox i hate doing that missed most of the prog i was watching that fairy godfathers thing oh no it wasn't it was about king Tutankhamen death conspiracy thing anyway i missed it cos i fell asleep. Watched a lot of that thing on BBC 1 about jealousy.
now we all have a bit of the green eyed monster in us but these peeps really were extreme. I admit in the past i have had times i have been incredibly jealous of attention my hubby has received, he never seems to be of me but i guess i never give him any cause I'm such a good devoted wifey me. The only thing i do that really pisses him off is to know more about PC's than he does, and the amount of time i spend on it hence him calling it my life support system which in a way it actually is, it's what keeps me sane it's how i beat depression. However my addiction to reading blogs he really doesn't understand at all but he's not a reader like i am. (I have possibly near on 200 books that i re read and add to and refuse to get rid of) Anyway I digress.
This day really hasn't gone how i planned it. Why oh why do i feel so down? Why oh why do i feel so despondent and why oh why do i feel so bloody shit?
answers on a postcard
Lou Lou
xxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 10:44:00 pm |
The sun has got his hat on..................... |
Top of the morning to and all! Well good afternoon really...LOL
The sun is out, the sky is blue............ the kids are driving me NUTS!!!! Another fine day in Wonderland...LOL Hmmmmmmmmm started off out of the house on time, all dressed set for school, not me you idiots...........the kids!!!! Although sometimes lookin at my eldest daughter's maths homework I do wonder whether I need a quick refresher when it comes to these things....I mean who wants to know how to put a decimal into a fraction and vice versa.......hell I dunno unless you work with figures...errrm and No I don't mean those figures guys...that would be a job and a half!!! Lmao
Well back to today's goings on....had a friend come over with her two little horror's, bless 'em, so her two and mine trooped out into the garden..straight into the sandpit which was filled with water.....we didn't know this until my little one stumlbes back in with large lumps of wet sand attached to most of her body, hair, face and shoes!!!!! *Me thinks she should of been a boy!* Needless to say she was stripped off hence forth and relegated to running around in doors in just her vest.....Mother was far too busy chatting and setting the world's too rights to even think about another set of clean clothes......I mean she'd only had that set on for...oh let's see, an hour and a half...arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh don't ya just love toddlers!!!
Have had a rather wicked gleam in my eye for most of the day...on account of my husband and his totally obscene e-mail's, which have been flying back and forth with a passion, let's hope we can both live up to our promises later, if there's a sudden power surge in the South Coast... you know we have...nudge wink, wink...lmao
Well better sign off for now...have indulged far too much already about my sordid sex life...he he you wish!
Take Care Peeps
Ps...I did the quiz's all lies I'm tellin
You Are F***-able!
And boy do you ever take advantage of your do-ability. And why not?
If you can score, why not go for it? And no matter how many steamy affairs you have...
Well, you always seem to find more. And no wonder - you are hot from any perspective.
Hot attitude, hot appearance, and hot passion equals tons of hot screwing!
posted by Lou Lou @ 4:34:00 pm |
Feeling rather good ;) |
Wednesday, May 12, 2004 |
We did it, WE reached 1500 hits! Who would have thought it? I certainly didn't when we started this a month and a half ago. We are all pretty proud of ourselves.
Princess came up with a new phrase this afternoon when i finished work, and collected her from her childminders. She called me a "little beggar" obviously got from school. And then she said "Thankyou Wankyou" Now this is either just her doing rhyming or some kid at school thinks it's funny to teach my 7yr old crap! Either way i had to stop myself silently sniggering before she asked me why i was telling her why it wasn't something she should say.
Work was ok, busy busy. Someone asked to see the boss, I was crapping it when she called me into her office *thinking omg what have i done? i can't think of anything* Apparently the lady wanted to compliment her on her wonderful member of staff *ME* and how nice, polite, helpful,professional and friendly i was. *Me blushed furiously well chuffed* This has happened a few times, it's so nice to be appreciated for a change. Don't get me wrong we did have some arseholes today, one old guy was waving his stick at my colleauge W just because he wasn't satisfied with the answers to his questions. The old tosser stormed out bashing the doors with his stick *W and I laughed* Other persons nearby also were not impressed by his twatty behaviour. We get um we really get um!
Gonna go do dinner in a mo, got a day off tomorrow and just got physio to go to first thing and all the housework is done already so i will be reading blogs and surfing all day my favourite thing to do bar clothes shopping whihc i might do a little of to get something nice for S's leaving do tomorrow night. I gave P my menu decision today, Fillet steak rare as i like it and it was a toss up between jamaican rum baked banana or icecream. I chose icecream but i think i might change it in the morning. I'll have to ring P and let her know before she tells the venue. Transport all sorted a colleauge who lives nearby is gonna by our dessy driver so i will get pissed Yay well merry got work the next day you know! A really good girls night out beckons!
Will go cook tea now and leave you with this:................
I'm feeling really quite good about myself now...... i went and did the quiz on Fluffy's recomendation.
Here's how i did..........
You Are Flirt-able!
You are the best of both worlds - sexy and friendly, but not in either box.
Your charm is addicting, and you always have plenty of people flirting with you.
And if you want to turn things up, that's always an option for you.
You have plenty of options - without being the person everyone has already done :-)
and then
You Are F***-able!
And boy do you ever take advantage of your do-ability. And why not?
If you can score, why not go for it? And no matter how many steamy affairs you have...
Well, you always seem to find more. And no wonder - you are hot from any perspective.
Hot attitude, hot appearance, and hot passion equals tons of hot screwing!
Not bad really considering I have only ever been with one guy sexually, and i've been with him 13 1/2 years and married to him for 10!!!! And been completely faithfull too. Gooooooooo Meeeeee!!!!!
Lou Lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 5:53:00 pm |
"It's Life Jim....but not as we know it!" |
Good Afternoon time for a wee post before the school run me thinx. Now let's see...little 'un is still wearing her "fairy wings" as we bed!!! And the poor things have died a minus nearly all their glitter as well as the fluffy, feathery fru fru bits around the edges...had a little accident with them trying to get her with said wings on into the car seat.........hmph not the easiest job in the world, sometimes being Mummy sucks!!!!
Your meal out sounds lovely Lou Lou, except for the steak.....the still breathing on ya plate bit......urgh...I mean don't get me wrong I ain't no veggie, but blood on ya dinner plate????? This can not be normal...can it?
Soooooooo wot's new, wot can I tell you????
Jeeeeeeeeeeez life is boring sometimes.
My hubby is being wonderful, spoiling me terribly...well not terribly...wonderfully.
Got my new glasses frames....still not sure about them though, will see I guess when I pick them up on fingers crossed for then.
Got work later...........hoorah, doing funny hours tonight though, gotta go in later than usual something to do with hours owing for the Bank Holiday............weird system but hey it means I get to work a few hours less and get paid for the time I'm not there so who gives a f*ck!
Watched a fab film at the weekend........50 First Dates...Adam Sandler...ARE WE FANS OR WOT??? OOOH and Drew Barrymore, she's good, she kicks ass, she's the chick i wanna be in Charlie's Angels. Very funny film, laughed out loud...and it's Happy Ever After too which always helps...especially if your having a girlie moment or two......*smiles inanely* xx
Well like I said this is a short post in my uneventful life as yet this week, but I promised I'd post and post I have or else Lou Lou might of slapped me arse........and no visions of S&M or lesbo flings out pervs....lmao
Name and addresses on a postcard to..............
loves ya
posted by Lou Lou @ 2:18:00 pm |
From nowt to spout |
Tuesday, May 11, 2004 |
Been surfing for a while reading blogs trying desperately to think of something to write it hasn't worked. I have nowt particularly interesting or funny to say.
I've been to work,done a bit of housework, finally done and completed the eec mountain of ironing YAY ME! I am well pleased. Princess has managed to keep her bedroom tidy for an amazing 3 days, i am very impressed to say the least. I even managed to remember to put the rubbish out this morning there was rather a lot due to me being a twat and missing the bin day last week. (Bank holidays tend to disorientate me)
I think since I'm so empty of inspiration i might just go for a soak in the bath and a read.
P at work gave me a menu, I have to decide on what to eat for the leaving do I'm off to on Thursday night anyway, none of it takes my fancy shall probably end up with fillet steak yummy nice and rare....Not quite blue a wee bit more cooked than blue.
(ok so some of you may be veggies tough it's my blog and I'll eat what i want and tell u about it if i feel like it) I am a carnivore, i could never ever be a veggie. The do's not gonna be cheap the taxi there and back is gonna cost shiteloads to say the least we're not exactly on a bus route on the back of beyond. Well we do have a bus it just doesn't go where I'm going LOL.
It promises to be good though S is very popular lovely person and 21 people are turning out to say goodbye from various departments. OOOOoohhhh i might even get pissed for a change. God knows i don't do that often, well a week ago was the last time. And i plan to get royally pissed on Saturday in honor of Eurovison. Is it just me or is it the best night ? Oooh i love eurovision....Rumors are afoot abba might make an appearance (i was listening to colin and edith on the way home from work LOL)
Well that's it I'm gonna go for a soak, my shoulders ache and my bums going numb LOL
Lou Lou
xxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 11:13:00 pm |
bollocks thrice |
Monday, May 10, 2004 |
Bollocks, Bollocks, Bollocks I couldn't do it i just couldn't do it. Today I was supposed to start the atkins diet. I don't need to lose much well some say I don't need to lose any at all but i confess my thighs are getting rather chunkier than i would like, and there is no way i'm getting any bigger than i am now. So i was supposed to start this amazing diet cos i have failed at all else, no matter what i do i am putting weight on, just a 1lb or 2 a week but i'm not happy. I know I'm not huge i know i'm not obese or anything far from it i'm just a lot bigger than i want to be. The Doctor recommended i try it, because of another health issue i have (very complicated but don't worry i'm not dying or anything just falling apart!) he feels it is very important that my self image is good so it's worth a try to see if it kick starts me a bit. So i rushed out and bought the book. So far I have scanned through it briefly. I've even purchased decaf teabags which feels like sacrilage (it doesn't taste the same) just so's i can still drink my beloved tea.
So off i went to work only to be reminded that S's leaving do is this week. Bollocks no use going to swanky restaurant and asking for his best atkins menu is there really? and if im gonna pay £6 for a starter £17 for a main course and £5 for a desert i want proper food that i am gonna enjoy. So i've decided to start it next week instead. Well wasn't i so strong willed about that less than half a bloody day and i've told it to piss off lol
Work was ok this afternoon/evening very busy but no one was rude or shouted at me for a change. Driving home I saw forked lightening which shat me up a bit i don't like storms, had a bit of thunder but it soon died down. At least it stayed dry and i managed to get my washing dry only 2 more loads to do now, and before you asay ironing no i bloody well havent finished it tonight i was too knackered ok? Its all neatly stacked in my lounge by the ironing board.
Highlight of my day
2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps a modern classic. laughed so hard i almost pissed myself. The lyrics were pure genius, not quite as good as buffy the musical but you can't compete really with perfection can you?
oh well really should try and get an early night got shit loads of rubbish to put out in the morning, i missed the bins last week got the day wrong (stupid cow) so i have lots.
Nighty nights all
lou lou
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 10:48:00 pm |
Awwww....the joys of Parenthood!!!! |
Good day to you my little 'un is..............a fairy!!! It's ok, she is a girl...LOL
This morning we purchased a set of wings, with glitter, and a "magic wand!".......which as of now has slightly less glitter on them and more so un us, the furniture, her bed...need I go on. Said wings have yet to be removed without and impending thinks she will be bathing in them tonight..pmsl
Still at ã2.99 they were a bargain buy and no mistake.LOLl Almost as much of a bargain as
a bottle of bubbles...but not quite...amusement for hours with a toddler...and for less than a ã1...wot more could you ask for...?
Today the world is a happy place, today I am at peace and at one with Mother Nature...blah, blah,
Well I am happy any how, which is heading in the right direction for me, as those of you regular readers will know as of late my life has been.....hmmmmm how shall I put it.....SHITE!
But things are on the up...I have seen the light and am back on the "yellow brick road" once more...Amen OOOh shit, did I get all religious then....b*llocks, didn't mean
My son is beside himself..........he's going on a trip with my brother to see his Grandparents, they live abroad you see.........and no its not cheap holidays, the flights astronomical, especially when your draggin three kids along for the My brother and his girlfriend are going for a week and my son is taggin along, bless him..!
My eldest daughter is off to Kent on a school trip, next month.....bloody hell they're social life is better than did that happen????
Have loads more useless informationon to write about but time is against me today and my "little fairy" needs her bum changed!!!! Any offers??? Pmsl
Take care
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 5:00:00 pm |
Well I did a draft post a bit earlier but Blogger appears to have eaten it all up. And there i was saying how shiney and new Blogger looked too.
Didn't post this weekend have been rather busy. Blinding myself from the sparkle of my anniversary pressie, I cleaned my house like a mad woman possessed. Where all the washing came from I don't know but I'm still doing it now!!! I have actually made a start on the ironing ( yeah ok, i know a minor miracle) Anyway the whole house is sparkly now just like my ring! It wasn't bad before but every now and again i like to go a bit mad and ott with it. Feel much better now.
Had T round Saturday night and her girls we had a DVD sleepover night. We watched "Stuck on you" a nice commedy rather weak, and the "Hot Chick" with Rob Schnieder and was well worth watching very funny, but what else would you expect from a Happy Madison Production? ( Adam Sandlers production company) Adam even was in it so i was well happy. Ooooooh i could just eat him with a spoon!
Today I have done yet more washing although thankfully it is out on the line drying and the tumble dryer isn't on constantly. Have lots of ironing to finish tonight. But everything else is lovely. So i thought I'd take a break and pop into blogland to see what peeps have been up to.
Very few posts this weekend apart from a couple saying arrrrghhhhh my head and i'm knackered. really looking forward to hearing all the goss that comes of the meet in london. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all, hopefully I might get to the next one.
Scarlets pc has gone tits up so her posting will be a bit on the quiet side, there is no internet cafe where she lives, lots of pubs though. Sad to say she didn't pull on the weekend. Can't understand why if i was a bloke I'd do her! She's so lovely, personality wise and real pretty, just i suppose her intellect scares them.
Bugger just seen the time, better go gotta get ready for work, oh joy
lou lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 1:35:00 pm |
BEWARE ~ Public Sevice Announcement |
Saturday, May 08, 2004 |
If you are tall, well above 6ft, above the legal age of consent, got a good thatch of hair and hung,
Scarlet is on the rampage tonight looking for meat....................
If you see a petit exotic looking dark haired woman with fantastic tits run for gods sake run, save yourself ............................
posted by Lou Lou @ 2:13:00 pm |
Fury to humbled |
Friday, May 07, 2004 |
Well I started to write a post earlier but was interupted and had to scrap it. I'm glad I did I would have regretted it if i had.
It all started as a reflection. A reflection on what I was doing this time 10 years ago. On a saturday afternoon 10 years ago today, dressed in virginal white ( yeah right!) I pledged my love and said I do at the tender age of 20. ( I have been with hubby since I was 17, he's all i have ever known or want to know) I was, looking back now really quite young to take the step, but I don't regret a single day and if i could turn the clock back I'd walk down that aisle and say I do again. We've had our ups and downs, If any couple says they don't, well they're lying, we've grown up together, we've learnt from our mistakes and our love has grown, and from that love has sprung our princess.
This afternoon when I started my post i was angry and hurt I said a lot of mean things, basically i was letting of steam, i've always let of steam writing, it's therapy for me, it's had me in trouble before! (person i was slagging has read it, although never meant to be seen by anyone other than me.) Anyway I was going on about how shit my day was that I had given hubby a lovely pressie that he's chuffed to bits with and I hadn't even got a card. I was furious for want of a better word that he had ignored i felt, our special day, didn't it mean as much to him as it did to me? Well i'm feeling a bitch now.
He came up trumps......1/4 carat trumps. Usually hubby will pick the most humerous card he can find one that the words don't really mean anything other than "I want to shag your brains out" the card he chose has humbled me. The words in it are beautiful if i can sneak downstairs and grab it i'll post them, but basically it choked me. I'm sparkling away at the moment, chuffed to bits, it's a beautiful ring,( 1/4 carat diamond half eternity ring very sparkly) i know he's crap at showing his feelings but i do know and have always known he loves me just as much as I love him he just doesn't show it in the ways that i do.
If you happen to take a look love i'm sorry i was a cow i know you didn't have time till later i'm sorry. Thank you my darling for the past 10 years it's been a fantastic ride so far.......Happy Anniversary!
Lou Lou
xxxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 10:24:00 pm |
Getting old..............eek! |
Hey World!!
How can it be the weekend....again???
Where did the week go..............wot is going on, I'm sure yesterday was Wot happened to the days in between???
Have you noticed that as you get older the days get shorter as do the weeks.....wot the f*ck is going on there? Is it some kind of conspiracy..............I'm sure when I was a kid...many moons ago now...that weekend's seemed to take an age to come. The days seemed to drag by.....3.30 on a Friday's out.... would take forever to come around.........And now, now there are just not enough hours in the day let alone day's in the week. I mean we just had Xmas didn't we and now it's almost June???? Arrrrrrrrrrghghgh I'm getting old......*sob sob*
Enough of getting old and grouchy and gettin closer to the number 40 than I would like.....well another 7 years...but that is way too close in my book.....they say life starts at 40...hmmmmm well I think I can wait, let me just enjoy p*ssin about for the next few years and maybe then I might think about being sensible and growing up....of course by then I will have an 18 year old..eeek scary thought, she'll be into boyfriends and maybe her first car, college even, (if we're lucky) she wants to be a hairdresser at the moment so who knows. I'll be sittin there thinkin' "Jeeeeeeeeeeeez where did the time go???"
They bloody pinched it, that's wot they f*ckin did...lmao I'm tellin ya its a gets shorter as we get'll see!!
Changing the subject altogether...interesting shopping trip glasses.*sigh* I hate gettin new glasses.....I've worn them since I was at college so for a few years now, have tried contacts, liked them but to be honest they are too fiddlie for me, not got time to mess about in the mornings and stab myself in the eye several times just to get perfect glasses work for me, I hide behind mine. It's kind of my safety blanket......weird I know for me, its like I feel people can't really see me...ok ok I know that sounds freaky....but I believe the eyes are the window to your soul and you can tell a lot by lookin into someone's eyes, this way no one ever really gets to see the real me...well that's my theory
So shop for glasses I must....I'll let you know how I get on...have seen a rather nice red pair I like, the ones I have now are black so they are pretty least the red ones would match my hair!!!!
Well I think I've drivvled on enough now...time to get on and do the housewifey thing....he he
Have a nice weekend peeps,
posted by Lou Lou @ 10:34:00 am |
Babble with a guessing my job thing |
Thursday, May 06, 2004 |
Unforunatly didn't manage to post last night twas a night of busyness here at lou lou land. Firstly I hadto watch diy sos with the yummy nick nowles, and then i settled down to piss myself laughing at the d day thing on bbc1.
Those lads just had me in pieces. So clueless, like they would have had a picnic with the training during the war, they really don't know they are born. The conscripts then couldnt just fuck off and leave if they felt like it ( if they thought the weather was shite or they didn't like doing ironing) well actually they could but if caught they would be shot.
Anyway after then it was help Scarlet time her pc has gone tits up, we're not entirely sure why but it's not a virus. It keeps rebooting, and at times last night wouldn't boot up at all. Any ideas? We've gone through pretty much everything we can think of. Scarlet will possibly be dictating a post to me later today. She apologies for her absence.
Ta to Ian for the link, to be found in comments gave me a chortle or two.
Had a very odd dream last night not giving you all the details, but Peter Andre (argghhhhh) was in it, but he had curly hair ( non gelled) and was wearing odd clothes, i really shouldn't drink fizzy late at night lol
Day off today, well deserved after the week I have had although the house is a tip will have to do it this afternoon, I really don't have the inclination to do it this morning. Work yesterday was hellish buy but i was in another department in the morning so i didn't get shouted at too much.
Queue Quiz.
Ok So far i've not mentioned in my posts what I do for a living, there have been numerous hints and clues scattered. So I've decided you can all guess. So answers in the comments box ladies and gents this should be fun, for me anyway. Can't wait to read your guesses. Scarlet and Evie need not apply cos you already know, and no telling anyone.
I also at this point jump on a bandwagan and do a guess the size of my tits post, but they're really not worth mentioning lmao
Lou Lou
xxxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:28:00 am |
U Huh Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...... |
Wednesday, May 05, 2004 |
Evie She-she La Rue
Married..............ermmmm I'll think I'll leave it at that!
None...........although I do like those slushy romantic novel types..."boy meets girl" and the occasional Wilbur Smith.
Marvel Comic Heroes..I know don't laugh.....its my son's!!!
OOOh hard played when p*ssed I think....tee hee and preferably with someone who can draw more than a matchstick cat!!!!
Oh God.....all of them!
Kids..when they just stepped outta the bath, fresh flowers, a warm summer evening, bar-b-ques, Bailey's.......the list is endless!
Hearing your kids say "I Love You" for the first time
"Oh mean I'm not married to George Clooney???????"
Green, ermmmmmmmmmm Green and more Green!!!
Pretty tall......5ft 9
As little as possible......machine kicks in after 6 rings so sometimes its a race against time!!!!
Hmmmm tough one..don't plan on having any more...well not intentionally, how about name's I didn't use...Alfie, Devon, Bethany, Eden...........
My kids, Love, Happiness...peace of mind
Neither.........I'll take Raspberry Ripple every time...
Nope...don't like to drive at all...but it's a necessacity so needs must.
Not any more.............
some old was
Nissan Sunny...some old car!!
Hmmmmmmmm tough one......Freddie huge Queen Fan
God how can you choose???? Never Been Kissed, Officer and a Gentleman, Dracula, Interview with a Vampire.....Hmmmm me thinx the list is too
Of course...doesn't everyone??
I love the job I have now so..........
Yep......more than once
Deffo half full and getting close to the top each passing minute..
Yes...*blushes with embarresment*
Christ......Narnia I think!!!!
I don't do sport !
She's beautiful.......
Ermmmmmmmm...dunno...Billy No-mates that's me!
Ermmmmmm see above!
Hope this satisfies
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:14:00 am |
Knowing me.........knowing you |
Tuesday, May 04, 2004 |
Well due to the recent surge in meme's we're going to do one too! (Nutty it's the one i mentioned last week!) So here goes:
A me me for Lou Lou xxxx
Lou Lou Not telling you!
Married, 10 yrs this week! I was almost a child bride!
None at the moment blogs you know who you are!
Nothing it's a boring blue one with a gel wrist rest!
Monopoly of course!
This is a hard one, cos i never buy any so i guess none!
< em> Dew, freshly cut grass, hoof oil
When princess said Mummy for the first time
Shit i'm gonna be late again!
lilac, any shade of purple actually, red, blue, black, all of them i spose
Honestly? 5ft 3 1/2 inches size 4 to 41/2 shoes
As quick as I can get there!
Dane (but my cousin used it bugger) Jarrod, Eden, or maybe Star
My Family
Both! I'm a greedy bitch!
I used to, very fast, me like fast cars *dreaming of nitro mini*
Thats no way to talk about my hubby! But yes I have a teddy i've had since birth that i snuggle when i'm depressed or sick Much to hubby's disgust
A Renault Clio, not my first choice, or Hubby's Peugeot 307
Would like to have met John Candy, Elvis, Marilyn, Princess Diana, these days George Clooney, Robbie Wiliams, Robin Williams and I can't think of anyone else right now
If I am honest,The Breakfast Club. Pretty in Pink any old brat pack flick, or musical lmao Also big Adam Sandler Fan so anything of his, like far too many flicks to list really! Oh Armageddon, Sixth Sense na I can't narrow it down I'll be here all night lol
Yes, no matter what effect it has lol
23. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED, WHAT WOULD IT BE? tv/theatre/film critic or George Clooneys personal love slave
Yes with my hubby for 14 years
Half full! But ready for a top up!
At the mo the OC, but i love Friends, and Hollyoaks, and Time Team and i loved cold feet not a huge tv watcher really!
No i type as fast as i can don't care whether they're on the right keys or not, as long as i get it done fast with miminal mistakes lol
There was a tray of ferrero rochet but i've scoffed them all now! now theres a camp bed and empty suitcases
Rugby and i like that prog on Channel 4 on early saturday morning
you're a lovley bloke ta uncle T !! (originally an email)
Scarlet and Evie, well they'd bloody well better if they know whats good for them!
Feel free to do this yourselves and email yours it to us at:
Lou Lou
posted by Lou Lou @ 9:07:00 pm |
Full moon, half moon, total eclipse |
Well you may well think i am alluding to tonight's skyshow the lunar eclipse in which the moon will turn red. WRONG I am actually talking about the fact that i am currently munching down a packet of jaffa cakes in fact i'm half was through!!!
I needed sustenance and the jaffa cakes were there. When i felt i needed a big comforting hug, the jaffa cakes were there, calling to me saying "eat me i'll make you feel better eat me, pick me i'm all orangy and spongy eat me! eat me! eat me!" So out of the cupboard they have come and here is i stuffing them down barely pausing for breath. I'm starting to feel better now.
It's been a day of sheer hell. Work was the busiest i have ever known it to be, i managed two gulps of very cold tea today, when it calmed down hours later i manged to have a petit iced bun and a small slice of cake. I also finished late. Where as i would normally finished at 1.30pm i was asked to stay an extra hour, which i did cos it would have been like a rat leaving a sinking ship if i had gone. I've been on the front desk today. First point of contact for some nice people and some very rude people, all of which take it personally i can't give them what they are asking for, all of them being obnoxious stating that it is imperiative they see ~~~~~ or urgent they are seen by anyone at all. We had them queing oout the door, not to mention the volume of phonecalls i was handling too. (my ears were starting to sweat from the headset) For some reason we were completley overwhelmed it was worse than christmas, worse then new year. It was hell. I'm sick and tired of saying the word no, and we are fully booked, i am sick and tired of asking people to call back at 8.30am and i am sick and tired of people speaking to me like i'm a piece of shit. Oh well that out of the way I'm sure tomorrow will be just lovely and back to normal! Jaffa cakes must be kicking in lol
Tonight i have the ironing to do, i wish i didn't but at least i can be glued to cutting it whilst i am doing it. Princess is playing her keyboard happily singing songs that only make sence to her lol She rocks! Well i think so anyway, although of course i am biased.
Oh well time to go time to finish the jaffa cakes time to go read and comment.
Oh Btw Hans, I forgot to go lean on my wing sorry babe!
Lou Lou
xxx |
posted by Lou Lou @ 4:26:00 pm |
Hey Ho Chums...! |
Good day to you all...........hmmmm now that's the polite stuff out of the way...LOL
Wot the f*ck is with the weather these day's?????
I mean is it spring or wot?
Where's the bloody sun???
I need some sun on me pasty white arms and legs...I'm startin to look like a milk bottle!!!!!
I don't do sunbed's....getting naked anywhere else apart from in me own home is a big, fat No, NO!!!
I mean after 3 kids.......hmmmm lets not go there girls!!!
So...the weekend.....was good the hair dying went well...I now have pillar box red hair with black streaks as before just a little bit more vibrant....wicked (my 11 year old's words...Not mine!)
She has blonde streaks on top, she already has blonde hair but quite dark and red you know how difficult these things are?????
I ain't volunteering to do it again...not on your f*ckin nelly!
She was all was well, as for her father's comments.....well they have yet to filter this
Went into town...spoilt the kids rotten, clothes and toys and the usual trip to McDonald's of course!!!
I got myself a couple of pairs of new a size, fan-bloody-tas-tic WoW......not been in a size 12 for quite happy to be a 14, I mean I have hips and an arse....but lucky for me I have the tits to go with it...lmao
Jordan's got nothing on me......lmao And they're all real baby...wink, wink!
Went to work Monday....was slow to start...they actually were turning people away at 8am....considering we didn't open 'til 9am.......wot the f*ck is that all about?
Anyway by 1015 half the world and his Auntie had decided to come shoppin, so was sheer murder!!!!
And it got worse.....well it bloody rained didn't it...and when it rains people go shoppin..........needless to say got out late, then headed into town..minus the kids...hoorah!!!
Needed to get new glasses........boring task and best done without the aid of whinging children...don't you think.
Bought little 'un a gorgeous new outfit, have a friend getting married soon and was just the excuse I needed to spend some money...LOL You know wot i'm talkin about ladies, wink xx
It was a baby pink, black and white kilt and a pink t-shirt with kittens on with diamante collars...LOL very Posh Spice...LOL Poor child Is only for the reception...she has a proper, suitably toddler like dress for the wedding itself...well wot kind of a mother do you think I am??
Now I just gotta find something to go with.......MY HAIR????? HELP!!!!
Enough already......
Love you all
posted by Lou Lou @ 11:03:00 am |